Diversity Company

Branding & Website Design

About the client:

The Diversity Company is a business consultant company specialized in diversity. They advise and support companies, universities and institutions that want to make a change to a more diverse future. 

DC_1 - JPG


Confusion about company's mission and services

People were often confused about:

•  What is the company about?
•  What services do they offer?
What are customers paying for?
Is it just for women?

Wrong perception of the company's image

The brand was perceived as a radical feminist asociation from and strictly for women. This in fact was a very wrong perception of what they intended to communicate in the first place.

Logo, colors & aesthetics are not consistent and don't match their values

The Diversity Company had a different name and the old color palette was very “woman-focused”. Besides, they didn’t stick to one consistent image through all their marketing platforms.


Design a gender neutral brand which welcomes any person no matter what cultural background or color, and transmits a fresh and open-minded mentality.


I extended the color palette and chose carefully a wide variety of colors full of energy. Also I created three amorphous forms that should represent the diversity in our society.

Services provided:

• Brand Strategy Workshop

• Corporate Identity (Logo, Color Palette, CI Guide, etc)

• Website Design

Social Media Content


More potential leads

The new website attracts more companies and institutions that didn’t seem to quite understand their services before. The new website has more CTAs and a higher retention rate than the previous one.

Wider community on social media

Since the new image is gender-neutral it invites men, as well as females to support their cause and share their message.

Stable and consistent digital presence

The Diversity Company now has an own personality and identity. This helps their brand to stand out and it sets the tone in all their digital channels. This is a crucial component to make people recognize their brand over time.